Undertaking a new endeavor
Spicy, Oct 15 2011
March / addicted to LoL
Spicy, Mar 31 2011

$1080 Profit
$761 rakeback
$1.8k total
Bad Beat: I sent my noob friend $500 and told him to short stack 24 tables of 50nl the night of the 60billionth PS hand. He loses $250 of it and I'm just like w/e send it back. Instead he says nonono I'm gonna play 10nl and grind it back up for you. I tell him whatever you do, don't fucking waste your time grinding 10nl and just send it back. So he goes to play 100nl and loses another $170. I'm gonna beat his ass
Apparently I've only been getting 18% effective rakeback on FTP since the switch to contributed which sucks.
In other news, after my 2.4k drop at the end I started playing LoL and I'm pretty addicted. Come play with me 
2k ftp to stars
Spicy, Mar 24 2011
PM me
also looking for long term trading buddy
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